Make your 3D Control Smarter

Improve your 3D control experience

Collaborative tool for inspection data sharing
i-Viewer: Improve manufacturing decision-making
Effective metrology has always been the cornerstone of successful manufacturing. Providing meaningful feedback on manufactured parts helps the engineering team make sound decisions and avoid critical errors. With i-Viewer application, we empower customers to examine inspection results, quickly identify the bottlenecks and understand the root causes of any 3D measurement issue.
- In just a few clicks, view inspection results with the controlled dimensions, color maps, inspection report, statistics, and more.
- A user-friendly interface for sharing 3D control projects across your organization, suppliers’ network and key stakeholders.
i-Viewer specifications:
- Data sharing between different users with prior application installation.
- Effectively communicate on control results across the manufacturing and quality assurance teams, but also with customers, suppliers, and other key stakeholders.
- Dimensional analysis and project review during engineering meetings without consuming a Metrolog X4 software license.
- Easy and simple access to your file on any computer system while your X4 license is being used elsewhere.
Share your 3D measurement project now with i-Viewer
*Free product subject to the terms and conditions of end-user software agreement.

Stay in command of your inspection wherever you are
You are no longer required to stay behind your workstation in order to carry out effective and reliable 3D measurements. i-Remote application is here to simplify your workflow and let you handle quality inspection and dimensional analysis away from your computer.
Metrolog X4 capabilities available remotely on all mobile devices (smartphone, tablet or laptop) via i-Remote.
i-Remote specifications:
- Activate feature measurements
- Live 3D view replicated on the app
- Support of static or continuous probing modes
- Real-time results preview as you collect data
- Fully configurable Build & Inspect modes
- Display of operator messages and instructions
- And much more…
i-Remote communicates with Metrolog X4 through a local Wi-Fi network that can be fully secured.
i-Remote is available to all Metrolog users. Go to the online software documentation to learn how to use it with your mobile devices (Smartphone, tablets, laptop…). Or contact us to learn more.

i-Supervision & i-Monitor
Monitor anytime, anywhere
Centralized live monitoring, remote control, on demand process results, web-based analysis on all platforms.
• Visualize measurement results and data on mobile devices,
• Take control of X4 software while away from your computer,
• View live inspection results,
• Simple touch-screen functionality
Augmented 3D inspection
Imagine a completely new vision of 3D metrology. We are already working on it.
With i‐Holo, Metrologic Group offers the first 3D measurement mixed reality solution of the market. Based on the Microsoft™ HoloLens™ platform, i‐Holo provides an easy‐to‐use and simple collaborative tool.
- i‐Holo snaps the computed measurement results to the real part,
- Color‐maps deviations
- Gives instructions to the operator using live hologram representations directly over the real part, in front of the operator’s eyes.
No need for a fixed installation or a complex tracking based system.

Are you ready for next generation 3D metrology?

How does it work?
Metrolog sends the data to the HoloLens™ in real‐time, which allows for immediate investigation of measurement issues and quick response planning for a collaborative manufacturing or engineering review of the real part.
i‐Holo may be used from start to end of the measurement process:
HoloLens™ interactive interface supports gaze tracking, voice activation and self-repositioning
During planning and preparation to assess reachability: using virtual probing and machine motion around the real part, i‐Holo may merge the inspection plan with the real part and tools to validate reachability.
- During manual measurements, offering probing assistance: the operator is guided and receives visual instructions that i‐Holo projects live onto the part, in front of his eyes.
- For reporting: i‐Holo displays analysis results in real‐time over the measured part, with gaze‐tracking stickers, color mapping and other readily available standard Metrolog tools.