On October 14, 2024, after several months’ training at the headquarters of Metrologic Group in Grenoble (France), Thomas Formet, Project Manager Canada Development, landed in Montreal, Canada. His aim: to expand Metrologic Group’s development in Canada, in collaboration with the Metrologic Group France and USA sales teams.

How did your arrival and integration in Montreal go?

Quite well, I’d say! Quebec (the province where the city of Montreal is located) is a curious mix between France and the United States of America. Its inhabitants have a very American work culture, which is nonetheless imbued with French codes.

I’d say that the most disorienting aspect of my stay was the weather! I arrived in the middle of autumn, with mild temperatures, and we’re now entering the depths of winter, where we’re dropping below -15° with snowstorms.

Why did you choose to locate in Montreal?

Well, we chose Montreal because Canada is a big country, and half of the entire aeronautics industry – our target market – is located in Quebec. More specifically, in the city of Montreal.

I have an office at the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Canada (CCIFC). It has a huge number of members, and there are about twenty of us physically in its offices, all Business Developers. I find it very interesting to be surrounded on a daily basis by people with the same goals as you, even if we don’t work in the same fields.

Le Canada en automne

How do you work with the Metrologic Group teams on a day-to-day basis?

I’m lucky enough to have the French sales team who are very supportive, and who are always available, subject of course to the time difference (6h time difference between Montreal and Paris), to help me. I also get a lot of help from the USA team, who are always ready to give me a hand or point me in the direction of the person best able to help me. So I’m well surrounded!

What was your first job here: prospecting?

To put it succinctly, yes. Even before I left, I had put together a list of companies operating in the aeronautics sector, and I’m following it up closely. At first, it was a bit of a trial and error, especially as Quebecers don’t respond to prospecting in the same way as we do. Once the customs and working methods were understood, things began to settle down and get organized.

One of Metrologic Group’s advantages here is that we already have links with certain companies, which makes it easier to make contact. I also attended a number of industry and aerospace events in 2024, and plan to attend others in 2025, to meet people of interest to us, introduce myself and expand my address book.

And beyond prospecting?

I have a small portfolio of customers to manage, which enables me to be reactive and pro-active to their requests. Our customers are very happy that we now have someone in Canada, because it makes taking care of them so much easier.

How do you see the future?

Since the beginning of the 2025 year, things have been getting organized and developing, and opportunities are opening up. If we manage to seize them, we can really establish ourselves in Canada and forge tangible links with many companies here!


Region AURA