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Versione V18 per Metrolog X4 e Silma X4 1

The V18 release for Metrolog X4 & Silma X4 provides three new features to improve performance, productivity, and data interpretation.

Versione V18 per Metrolog X4 e Silma X4 2  Renishaw Ultrasonic Probe: Measuring workpiece thickness

Faced with growing market demand for this type of technology, we are continuing to integrate the Renishaw REVO solution and give it new functionalities—above all we are supporting the latest ultrasonic probe (RUP) for measuring material thickness.

The use of ultrasound for single-sided thickness measurements has obvious advantages over traditional tactile probing techniques for parts whose internal features are difficult to access. We have integrated this technology not only into Metrolog but also into Silma to allow our customers to plan their trajectories without soliciting the production measuring machine.

Versione V18 per Metrolog X4 e Silma X4 3  Geometric Tolerance: New algorithms for new scenarios

The Metrologic Group software solution adheres to the standards of geometric dimensioning and tolerancing. These evolve regularly so you will find new algorithms and calculation criteria that support the new scenarios encountered by our major customers.

We have improved our approach for:

  • support for CZ and SZ symbols for locations / surface profiles and flatness;
  • calculation of line and surface profiles in external material tangent (EC and GE);
  • calculation of line profiles in Unit Basis.

Our developments in this field have always focused on simplifying and improving the interpretation, evaluation, and exploration of the results of geometric tolerances from CAD models.

Versione V18 per Metrolog X4 e Silma X4 4  Gear Module Automation: Using Variables to Simplify Programs

We devoted several years to developing a module to measure and analyze gears and since then have regularly improved it to address the needs of our customers.

This latest development allows variables to be used in the gear-measurement process thanks to input data transmitted by an automated system. This allows programmers to simplify the main program so that it automatically updates the measurement trajectory and the analysis parameters.

…That’s not all, you can have a look at all the new capabilities added to this new release in the Release notes zone.

Visit Extranet to download the release.