Release of our newest version X4 Products Line V18 SP2 1

We are pleased to announce the release of our newest version X4 Products Line V18SP2.

This new version has been developed with your feedback in mind and with a constant focus on our customers.

Three new features are provided to improve productivity, innovation and data collection.

 Release of our newest version X4 Products Line V18 SP2 2  CAD Converter upgrade

Metrologic Group is focused on respecting the CAD format evolutions, in order to offer a seamless experience to our customers. Importing CAD files is often the first step in the user journey when they start their inspection process. CAD is the major reference and needs to be as efficient as possible in terms of respecting geometry and PMI information. Following the CAD format evolution, we have integrated in this new version some important evolution for Creo and JT CAD format.

Release of our newest version X4 Products Line V18 SP2 3  Feature Inspection Evolution for REVO Scenario

We continue to do important evolution for the Renishaw REVO Technology integration with our X4 inspection Suite Metrolog & Silma. Thanks to customer feedback we have improved our distance feature evaluation. Now the scanning REVO technology offers a good measuring point density on both sides of the surface. Thanks to this new functionality, the user can now easily extract a thickness along the edge of the inspected part.

Release of our newest version X4 Products Line V18 SP2 4  API Laser LADAR

The API company is an historical partner of Metrologic Group, and for many years we have jointly developed some inspection solutions for our common customers. We have been discussing for a while the LADAR approach, and now our technical team have integrated this innovated solution. Previously it was available for demonstration, and is now officially released in this new version, allowing all the users to drive and collect the data for their daily manual and automatic inspection process.


This release is already available on our Extranet: Go to the Download zone

Release unserer neuesten Version X4 Produkt Linie V18 SP2 5

Wir freuen uns, die Veröffentlichung unserer neuesten Version X4 Produkt Linie V18 SP2 bekannt zu geben.

Diese neue Version wurde unter Berücksichtigung Ihres Feedbacks und mit ständigem Fokus auf unsere Kunden entwickelt.

Drei neue Funktionen werden zur Verbesserung der Produktivität, Innovation und Datenerfassung bereitgestellt.

 Release unserer neuesten Version X4 Produkt Linie V18 SP2 6  Upgrade des CAD-Konverters

Die Metrologic Group ist fokussiert, die Entwicklungen des CAD-Formats zu berücksichtigen, um unseren Kunden die beste Lösung zu bieten. Das Importieren von CAD-Dateien ist oft der erste Schritt, wenn Sie Ihren Prüfprozess beginnen. Die CAD ist die Hauptreferenz und muss in Bezug auf die Berücksichtigung von Geometrie- und PMI-Informationen so nutzbringend wie möglich sein.
In Orientierung an die Entwicklung des CAD-Formats, haben wir in dieser neuen Version einige wichtige Entwicklungen für das Creo- und JT-CAD-Format integriert.

Release unserer neuesten Version X4 Produkt Linie V18 SP2 7  Funktions-Weiterentwicklung für die REVO Produktlinie

Wir führen weiterhin wichtige Entwicklungen zur Integration der REVO-Technologie von Renishaw in unserer X4-Inspektionssoftware Metrolog & Silma durch. Dank Ihrem Kundenfeedback haben wir unsere Distanz-Auswertung verbessern können. X4 erstellt mit der REVO-Technologie eine gute Messpunkt-Dichte auf beiden Seiten der Oberfläche. Auf Grund dieser neuen Funktion kann der Bediener jetzt vereinfacht die Materialstärke entlang der Kante des zu prüfenden Teils ermitteln.

Release unserer neuesten Version X4 Produkt Linie V18 SP2 8  API Laser LADAR

Das Unternehmen API ist ein langjähriger Partner der Metrologic Group. In den vielen Jahren der Zusammenarbeit haben wir eine Reihe von technischen Lösungen für unsere gemeinsamen Kunden entwickelt. Wir haben schon seit Längerem über den LADAR-Ansatz diskutiert und jetzt hat unser technisches Team diese innovative Lösung integriert.
Bisher war das System nur zu Demonstrationszwecken verfügbar. Nun ist es offiziell in dieser Version freigegeben und erlaubt den Nutzern das Sammeln von Daten für die täglichen manuellen und automatischen Prüfprozesse.


Diese Version ist bereits in unserem Extranet verfügbar: Hier kommen Sie zum Downloadbereich

Release of our newest version X4 Products Line V18 SP2 9

We are pleased to announce the release of our newest version X4 Products Line V18SP2.

This new version has been developed with your feedback in mind and with a constant focus on our customers.

Three new features are provided to improve productivity, innovation and data collection.

 Release of our newest version X4 Products Line V18 SP2 10  CAD Converter upgrade

Metrologic Group is focused on respecting the CAD format evolutions, in order to offer a seamless experience to our customers. Importing CAD files is often the first step in the user journey when they start their inspection process. CAD is the major reference and needs to be as efficient as possible in terms of respecting geometry and PMI information. Following the CAD format evolution, we have integrated in this new version some important evolution for Creo and JT CAD format.

Release of our newest version X4 Products Line V18 SP2 11  Feature Inspection Evolution for REVO Scenario

We continue to do important evolution for the Renishaw REVO Technology integration with our X4 inspection Suite Metrolog & Silma. Thanks to customer feedback we have improved our distance feature evaluation. Now the scanning REVO technology offers a good measuring point density on both sides of the surface. Thanks to this new functionality, the user can now easily extract a thickness along the edge of the inspected part.

Release of our newest version X4 Products Line V18 SP2 12  API Laser LADAR

The API company is an historical partner of Metrologic Group, and for many years we have jointly developed some inspection solutions for our common customers. We have been discussing for a while the LADAR approach, and now our technical team have integrated this innovated solution. Previously it was available for demonstration, and is now officially released in this new version, allowing all the users to drive and collect the data for their daily manual and automatic inspection process.


This release is already available on our Extranet: Go to the Download zone

Release of our newest version X4 Products Line V18 SP2 13

We are pleased to announce the release of our newest version X4 Products Line V18SP2.

This new version has been developed with your feedback in mind and with a constant focus on our customers.

Three new features are provided to improve productivity, innovation and data collection.

 Release of our newest version X4 Products Line V18 SP2 14  CAD Converter upgrade

Metrologic Group is focused on respecting the CAD format evolutions, in order to offer a seamless experience to our customers. Importing CAD files is often the first step in the user journey when they start their inspection process. CAD is the major reference and needs to be as efficient as possible in terms of respecting geometry and PMI information. Following the CAD format evolution, we have integrated in this new version some important evolution for Creo and JT CAD format.

Release of our newest version X4 Products Line V18 SP2 15  Feature Inspection Evolution for REVO Scenario

We continue to do important evolution for the Renishaw REVO Technology integration with our X4 inspection Suite Metrolog & Silma. Thanks to customer feedback we have improved our distance feature evaluation. Now the scanning REVO technology offers a good measuring point density on both sides of the surface. Thanks to this new functionality, the user can now easily extract a thickness along the edge of the inspected part.

Release of our newest version X4 Products Line V18 SP2 16  API Laser LADAR

The API company is an historical partner of Metrologic Group, and for many years we have jointly developed some inspection solutions for our common customers. We have been discussing for a while the LADAR approach, and now our technical team have integrated this innovated solution. Previously it was available for demonstration, and is now officially released in this new version, allowing all the users to drive and collect the data for their daily manual and automatic inspection process.


This release is already available on our Extranet: Go to the Download zone