with Renishaw REVO® and PH20 heads
Bringen Sie automatisiertes progammieren zu Ihrer KMG
The Renishaw REVO® system uses synchronised motion and 5-axis programming technology to minimise the dynamic effects of CMM motion at ultra-high measurement speeds.
This is achieved by letting the REVO-2 head do the fast demanding motion while the CMM moves in a linear slow fashion. The use of a flexible tip-sensing probe further adds to the system’s accuracy and performance.
Combined with ease of use and power of Metrolog X4 and Silma solutions. This is more than a game changer, not only you save time, but you get so much more details that will enable in depth dimensional and GD&T analysis.

Calibration on traditional CMM systems consumes a considerable amount of time that could otherwise be used for part measurement. Using a table mounted sphere, the simple and practical calibration technique for REVO determines the actual head and probe geometry, allowing measurement in any position from a single operation.
Where a CMM is used only for a single or limited number of parts, typically there may be 10 head orientations used. Calibration time for these positions may take around 30 minutes. REVO requires only 20 minutes.
If the CMM is used for multiple parts, typically there may be 40 head orientations, dramatically increasing the time required for calibration to around two hours. Again, REVO requires only 20 minutes.
As the calibration process is repeated on a regular basis, to comply with quality procedures or following a probe crash, these time savings accumulate.

for CMM 5-axis programming