CMM Retrofit possible operations

Electric motors
Drive systems
Scale reader head
Measurement scales
Air feeding circuit and moving block
Possibility to replace the original sensor head by a sensor or a high-performance optical sensor
Replacing the original CNC by a Digital CNC controller and its complete bay
Transform outdated equipment into a valuable asset
Reliable hardware
- Compatible with any CMM.
- Designed to restore CMM overall performance and improve its throughput.
- Operator-friendly.
- Keyboard for better interaction between operator, machine and Metrolog software.

Optical sensors
- Fully compatible with all sensors, brands and probing systems.
- Integrated with most available Optical Sensors (Nikon, Hexagon, Kreon, Perceptron, Zeiss…).
- Capable of high-speed motion with touch trigger, contact scanning and laser scanning measurements.
- Simple installation and quick tuning thanks to its built-in connection to MetroTune software.
- Ethernet connection, embedded servo drives with fast computation.